The Level is a six part drama that follows Detective Sergeant Nancy Devlin (Karla Crome) who has a secret double life. Her exemplary police career masks a covert attachment to shady businessman and drugs trafficker, Frank Le Saux (Philip Glenister). Inextricably linked to Frank from childhood as the father of her best friend, Hayley (Laura Haddock) and the father figure she herself craved. Nancy has been playing a dangerous game to ensure that Frank always remains off the police radar.
Nancy soon finds herself at the centre of an investigation which puts her at risk of exposure and sees her stalked by a killer intent on destroying her. Nancy’s complicated love life and relationships with colleagues creates further tension as she doesn’t know who she can trust... literally with her life.
Other cast members include: Noel Clarke (Chasing Shadows, Star Trek Into Darkness, Doctor Who), Robert James Collier (Downton Abbey, Coronation Street), Lindsey Coulson (EastEnders, Casualty), Gary Lewis (Outlander, Silent Witness, Billy Elliott), Jo Absolom (Doc Martin), Amanda Burton (Waterloo Road, Silent Witness) and Ruth Madeley (BAFTA nominated for her role in Don’t Take My Baby).
The Level is currently filming in Brighton and London.
This new announcement adds to an already busy year for Phil, who is also currently filming For The Love of Cars and will soon be returning to America to commence work on a second series of Cinemax's Outcast. Still, we're sure he's not complaining!