Tonight, thanks to our good friend Kerry, we can bring you an exclusive new look at Outcast Series 2. We have some new production stills and a new trailer! The trailer is from FoxTVArabia. so as such please ignore the airdate at the end. It is still 3rd April in the UK.
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This morning Philip appeared on Michael Ball's BBC Radio 2 Sunday morning show. He spoke about Outcast, Life on Mars and revealed he is about to start filming a new, as yet untitled, project for Sky. Production for which will take place in America. If you missed the interview you can listen again below.
Outcast Series 2 Episode Synopsis26/3/2017 With the season 2 premiere of Outcast less than 2 weeks away, we can bring you the series overview and episode synopsis' for all tem episodes, thanks to our friends over at SpoilerTv. The season overview is as follows: In the second season of “Outcast,” the exploration and mystery of what lies behind the supernatural manifestations and why they are drawn to Kyle Barnes (Patrick Fugit) continues. As the possessions that have plagued him grow in scope and number, Kyle struggles to protect those he holds most dear. At his side are Reverend Anderson (Philip Glenister) and Chief Giles (Reg E. Cathey), while his sister, Megan (Wrenn Schmidt), grapples with her own demons. But otherworldly threats prove greater than Kyle could ever have anticipated. His struggle will grow into a fight for all of Rome, as he discovers the haunting secrets of his own past. As we know some of our visitors wish to remain spoiler free, we have uploaded the episode synopsis' onto a separate page - our dedicated Outcast Series 2 Episode Guide.
New Outcast Season 2 Press Coverage25/3/2017 ![]() Series 2 of Outcast is only weeks away and as such, Philip has been giving several interviews to promote the show. This week both Vulture Hound and The Daily Record have posted interviews with him, tomorrow morning, Philip will be a guest on Michael Ball's Radio 2 Show. and next week, Philip will be appearing on Channel Four's Sunday Brunch. You can read the two online articles but following the links below: 22nd March 2017 - Vulture Hound Outcast Series 2 is Much Bigger and More Dangerous Robert Kirkman’s twisted and twisting exorcist series, Outcast, burst from its humble comic book beginnings to the small screen last year. In preparation for the much-awaited second series, we were lucky enough to sit down with star Philip Glenister to talk exorcisms, evangelists and Englishisms… 22nd March 2017- Daily Record Philip Glenister on stardom, faith and his role as exorcist Reverend Anderson in drama Outcast The Life On Mars actor found inspiration while watching an evangelist on US TV, noting his magnetism and the power he commanded over the audience. Gallery Update: Alien Fun Capsule24/3/2017 We have added over 70 screen captures from Philip's appearance on Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule yesterday.
The show involved a game of celebrity selfies top trumps and a local news round-up read by the guests as well as a bit of singing and dancing. Philip even resurrected Gene Hunt (complete with camel coat) for his entrance! MYMBuzz Outcast Series 2 Interview13/3/2017 ![]() Season two of possession-series-with-a-twist Outcast, created by The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman, begins in the UK in April. Philip, who plays Rev Anderson in the show, spoke to Jayne Nelson of MYMBuzz ahrad of the broadcast, about the bigger and more dangerous series 2. The biggest arc that I can tell you is the fact that what we, the characters, and the audience perceive as being this virus – this threat that’s spreading – turns out to be much, much, much bigger and more dangerous thing than any of us thought possible. Season one was quite a slow-burner in order for the audience to get acquainted with the characters, so the bar is raised pretty high now in season two. The other things I would say is that Sidney, Brent Spiner’s character, is not necessarily the sum of his parts and is certainly not working alone. So he’s not just this slightly strange figure; there’s some sort of thing going on there. And the crux of it is that what we realise now is that anybody and everybody could be possessed. Which creates a state of paranoia and fear and distrust amongst the townsfolk, which have repercussions. FOX has announced April 3rd as the UK premiere for season 2 of Robert Kirkman’s supernatural thriller Outcast. The second season will consist of 10 episodes and will premiere following the season 7 finale of The Walking Dead and it’s companion series Talking Dead - an event which they're calling 'Walkers vs Demons night'. In a press release, creator Robert Kirkman said: The Outcast story, although supernatural on the surface, explores how people cope with extreme circumstances while protecting the ones they love. It’s a theme with which audiences across the world can relate. “I am thrilled that audiences in over 125 different countries will soon have the chance to see how Kyle, and the other residents of Rome, West Virginia, continue to deal with a town, and a world, that is rapidly becoming darker, sinister and more unpredictable in the show’s second season.” The time of broadcast is yet to be confirmed but we're assuming 11pm given the information about following the Walking/Talking Dead. Whether it will move to TWD's 9pm timeslot in the weeks following we do not yet know.
Welcome to PhilipGlenisterFans, the original and largest online resource dedicated to British actor Philip Glenister best known for his role as DCI Gene Hunt in the BBC dramas Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.
Current ProjectsAfter the Flood (ITV)
Jack Radcliffe Status: Airing 10th January 2024 Carthago
Lord James Davidson Status: Airing in selected countries Just in Case
Mark Status: Completed, showing at various film festivals Philip's CharitiesMomentum
Organized group that supports families and children with cancer being treated at Kingston Hospital Surrey. Shooting Star Chase
Charity caring for families with a child or teenager with life-limiting conditions in London and Surrey. Site InformationPhilipGlenisterFans
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April 2024
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