The series, which starts Philip as Southern preacher Rev. John Anderson will hit the shelves in both DVD and Blu-Ray form on Monday 12th December.
The first series of Outcast, which aired on FoxTvUK this summer, is set for release just in time for Christmas.
The series, which starts Philip as Southern preacher Rev. John Anderson will hit the shelves in both DVD and Blu-Ray form on Monday 12th December.
Charitable donation made to @MomentumCharity25/11/2014 We are pleased to announce that, thanks to visitors to this site buying through our online shop (in partnership with Amazon), we have today made a donation of £50 to Momentum, a charity of which Philip is patron, that aims to help children undergoing treatment for cancer in Surrey and Greater London. Click the image below to see their acknowledgement email. On the Momentum donation page, it is possible to leave a comment when you make a donation. We indicated that the donation was made on behalf of Philip by visitors to this website. Unfortunately, this remark is not shown in the above acknowledgment.
We don't know who you are, but we wish to say a massive THANK YOU to all the fans who have made purchases from our fansite shop. Your support is greatly appreciated and we hope you will continue with this support in the days to come. The funds sent included commissions on purchases made up until to the end of September 2014. At the time of writing (25th November) we have raised £16.90 towards our next donation but Amazon won't pay out until we hit £25, so please do support this venture, especially with regards to those last minute Christmas gifts! You can buy anything that is sold on Amazon - it doesn't have to be Phil-related. Just use the Amazon search box on the shop page. To find out more about how these shopping links work, visit our Shop FAQs page. And if you struggle to remember to visit us before visiting Amazon directly, why not add our Shop URL to your favourites or bookmarks and label it as Amazon? Philip's forthcoming BBC drama, 'From There to Here' is now available to pre-order on DVD from Amazon, priced at £17.99. (We're sure it's available from other retailers as well but remember, by using the Amazon link above or buying it from our shop, you will be helping to raise money for one of the charities that Philip supports, at no extra cost to yourself.) The DVD will be released by Acorn Media on the 9th June 2014, which seems to add some support to our suspicions that the show will be broadcast w/c 17th May. The BBFC has rated the DVD as a 15, but as yet there is no cover art for the release. However, there is a more detailed description of the production, which we have put under the spoiler button below. According to Daniel Cotton (Philip Glenister), there are three battles that shape our lives: nature versus nurture; free will versus destiny; and City versus United. Saturday 15th June 1996, an ordinary day in Manchester. England is preparing to play Scotland in the Euros. Daniel has brought together his adoptive brother Robbo (Steven Mackintosh) and father Samuel (Bernard Hill) in the hope of healing a family rift, when they are caught up in a massive terrorist attack and from this moment Daniel's life changes forever. In helping Joanne (Liz White) escape the debris Daniel realises he wants to be someone else, someone more exciting... The trigger for major changes in Daniel's life and the reinvention of Manchester City Centre, the bomb does much more than cause devastation. Spanning four years, From There to Here brings to life a family, a city and an era in a way that no one who watches it will ever forget. The results of our poll are in and as you can see from the image below, the final result was a two way tie. In light of this, we have split amount raised between Shooting Star Chase and Hospice Aid UK, resulting in them both having received a donation of £30. Donations were made this morning (9th March). Unfortunately, on this occasion, due to the online systems used for donating, we were unable to relay to the respective charities that the money had come from fans of their patron, Philip Glenister. We will however be tweeting this article to both charities in that hope that they will see it and know how generous Philip's fans have been.
The money we raise comes from commission earned from Amazon whenever someone makes a purchase through the fansite shop. In the grand scheme of things, the commission earned is quite small compared to the total amount spent, so we urge you to shop through us wherever possible. You can buy anything that is sold on Amazon - it doesn't have to be Phil-related. Just use the Amazon search box on the shop page. One-off donations can also be made through our GoFundMe page. At the time of writing (9th March) we have raised £17.71 towards our next donation so, with your support it shouldn't be long until we hit the £25 threshold st by Amazon and are able to make another donation. If you struggle to remember to use our shop, why not add the URL of the page to your favourites or bookmarks and label it as Amazon? Thanks again for all your support!! Yesterday we brought you the news that Mad Dogs series 4 (and a complete box set of all four series) would be released on the 13th January 2014. Today, the above products became available to pre-order through our shop. To find out more about hos our partnership with works please read our Shop FAQs The series 4 DVD is priced at £11.99 and the complete boxset at £20.45. Rest assured that if you order now and the price decreases between the time you place your order and the release date, you'll be charged the lowest price. Both DVDs are rated 15. Please remember that by using our site you will earn us a small commission that will then be donated to one of the charities that Philip supports. We made our first donation back in September. Read about it on this page. Letter received from Momentum9/10/2013 We have today received a letter from Momentum, thanking us for the donation we made to them and detailing how our money will be spent. You can read a copy of the letter below (click to enlarge). Thanks one again to those who helped us to make this first donation. If you want to help us raise money towards our next charity donation then either donate directly here or purchase something through our site shop.
First charitable donation made!!30/9/2013 As you may be aware we have a partnership with whereby we earn a small commission for every item purchased through our shop. (To find out more about how these shopping links work, visit our Shop FAQs page.) Today we are pleased to announce that having received our first payment from Amazon, a charitable donation of £37 has been sent to Momentum, a charity of which Philip is a patron. This commission was raised from January to the end of July (there is always a delay of 2 months before payment) and was made on total sales of £733.22. We don't know who you are, but we wish to say a big THANK YOU to all the fans who have made purchases from Amazon fansite shop. Your support is greatly appreciated and we hope you will continue with this support in the days to come. Here is the e-mail acknowledgement of our donation (click image to view a larger version): On the Moment-um donation page, it is possible to leave a comment when you make a donation. We indicated that the donation was made on behalf of Philip by visitors to this website. Unfortunately, this remark is not shown in the acknowledgement issued.
Momentum is a registered charity established in 2004 which aims to help children (up to the age of 17) and the families of children, undergoing treatment for cancer in Surrey and Greater London. It was set up by parents who have first hand experience of these life-changing events, with the simple goal of trying to help others in similar circumstances. We will continue to make donations to charities supported by Philip as and when we receive payment from Amazon (when we accumulate at least £25 commission). As you can see from the above figures the commission earned is quite small compared to the total amount spent, so we urge you to shop through the fansite wherever possible. You can buy anything that is sold on Amazon - it doesn't have to be Phil-related. Just use the Amazon search box on the shop page. At the time of writing (30th September) we have raised £6.60 towards our next donation but Amazon won't pay out until we hit £25, so please do support this venture, especially as it approaches time to think about Christmas shopping. If you struggle to remember, why not add our Shop URL to your favourites or bookmarks and label it as Amazon? Thanks again for all your support!! |
Welcome to PhilipGlenisterFans, the original and largest online resource dedicated to British actor Philip Glenister best known for his role as DCI Gene Hunt in the BBC dramas Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.
Current ProjectsAfter the Flood (ITV)
Jack Radcliffe Status: Airing 10th January 2024 Carthago
Lord James Davidson Status: Airing in selected countries Just in Case
Mark Status: Completed, showing at various film festivals Philip's CharitiesMomentum
Organized group that supports families and children with cancer being treated at Kingston Hospital Surrey. Shooting Star Chase
Charity caring for families with a child or teenager with life-limiting conditions in London and Surrey. Site InformationPhilipGlenisterFans
URL: Maintained by: Ruth Online since: 27th October 2012 AffiliatesFan DonationsHelp us expand PhilipGlenisterFans and make it the top fan resource for everything Philip by donating content! What can you donate?
Send the content you wish to donate to [email protected] with the subject "Donation". We'd be extremely happy to post anything you send us. All donations will be 100% credited!
If you want to donate money to keep the site online you can do so at GoFundMe Categories
April 2024
PhilipGlenisterFans is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Philip's life or the people around him. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters. |