Click the image below to see their acknowledgement email.
We don't know who you are, but we wish to say a massive THANK YOU to all the fans who have made purchases from our fansite shop. Your support is greatly appreciated and we hope you will continue with this support in the days to come.
The funds sent included commissions on purchases made up until to the end of September 2014. At the time of writing (25th November) we have raised £16.90 towards our next donation but Amazon won't pay out until we hit £25, so please do support this venture, especially with regards to those last minute Christmas gifts! You can buy anything that is sold on Amazon - it doesn't have to be Phil-related. Just use the Amazon search box on the shop page.
To find out more about how these shopping links work, visit our Shop FAQs page. And if you struggle to remember to visit us before visiting Amazon directly, why not add our Shop URL to your favourites or bookmarks and label it as Amazon?