In words and music, The Dreamers tells the tragic story of David Reginald Salomons, heir to the Salomons Estate, who led his regiment to the battlefields of Gallipoli. The story will be narrated on large LED screens by Philip, Amanda Redman and Christopher Beeny, with a special appearance by Sir Tim Rice.
The show will be performed live by Virgin Soldiers and an ensemble of 21 young men and women at the Assembly Hall Theatre in Tunbridge Wells and is being produced by Runner Bean Ltd in association with Stars Foundation for Cerebral Palsy.
The show will run from Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th October, with a show time of 7.30pm (and a Friday matinee at 1pm). Tickets cost £19.50 for adults, £10 or children and £12.50 for students and can be purchased directly from the theatre box office on 01892 530 613 or through their online booking service.
Philip's narration for the production was recorded earlier this week and the production company kindly sent us this photo: