After the Flood is a mystery thriller set in a town hit by a devastating flood. When an unidentified man is found dead in a lift in an underground car park police assume he became trapped as the waters rose, and as the investigation unfolds PC Joanna Marshall, becomes obsessed with discovering what happened to him. The mystery unfolds across the series while we also see the real impact of climate change on the lives of residents in this small town. The floods threaten to expose secrets, and fortunes and reputations are at stake. But how far will people go to protect themselves?
Philip will play property developer, Jack Radcliffe. The show will also star Sophie Rundle (Gentleman Jack, Peaky Blinders) as police officer Joanna Marshall, Lorraine Ashbourne (Sherwood, Bridgerton, I Hate Susie) as Jo’s mother, Molly, Nicholas Gleaves (The Crown, The Rising, Bodyguard) as Sergeant Phil Mackie, Jo’s boss and surrogate father figure, and Matt Stokoe (Cursed, Jamestown) as Jo’s husband, Pat. Jonas Armstrong (The Bay, Floodlights) takes on the role of Lee, a seemingly heroic local man, and Jacqueline Boatswain (Carnival Row, Anansi Boys) is cast as local politician Sarah Mackie.
After the Flood is currently filming in northern England and will premiere on ITV1 and ITVX later in 2023. BritBox International are co-production partners for the drama.