The series follows the misadventures of Dave Spud (Johnny Vegas), the close-knit but somewhat anarchic Spud family, and their friends as they try to enjoy the ordinary pleasures in life … but it’s never long before the world starts to misbehave around Dave. Rubbish! So rubbish! It will be 26, episodes, each 11 minutes in length., aimed at children aged 6-11.
Philip will voice an, as yet unnamed, member of the Spud family alongside Jane Horrocks, Colin McFarlane and Lisa Hammond, with Gina Yashere playing Dave's best friend Gareth the Starfish.
The Rubbish World of Dave Spud is a welcome addition to the CITV roster of original programming. This new animated adventure series will see Dave Spud and co embark on some very unexpected, fun and crazy adventures