Hollow Crown: Promotional Pictures30/4/2016 The BBC have released their promtional images for The Hollow Crown: War of the Roses. The ones featuring Philip are shown below - there are two images from the show, a character potrait and a behind the scenes shot. Full gallery: The Hollow Crown Images The Hollow Crown: War of the Roses airs Saturday 7th May, 9pm, BBC Two
theresa Healy
4/5/2016 13:52:20
Hey thanks for all those amazing photos of Hollow Crown, Henry V! I just love Phil's rugged roughed up look as Lord Talbot (fresh from battle?!).
theresa healy
4/5/2016 13:57:47
Me again. Just LOVE the beautiful sumptuous location of these shots. Looks a bit like the beautiful Saint Chapelle church in Paris, that I visited recently. The beautiful tall stained glass windows literally took my breath away when I saw them at the time. I wonder if its the same place?
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Welcome to PhilipGlenisterFans, the original and largest online resource dedicated to British actor Philip Glenister best known for his role as DCI Gene Hunt in the BBC dramas Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.
Current ProjectsAfter the Flood (ITV)
Jack Radcliffe Status: Airing 10th January 2024 Carthago
Lord James Davidson Status: Airing in selected countries Just in Case
Mark Status: Completed, showing at various film festivals Philip's CharitiesMomentum
Organized group that supports families and children with cancer being treated at Kingston Hospital Surrey. Shooting Star Chase
Charity caring for families with a child or teenager with life-limiting conditions in London and Surrey. Site InformationPhilipGlenisterFans
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April 2024
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