produced by Kudos Film & Television for BBC One it will stars Philip Glenister (Life On Mars, Mad Dogs), Bernard Hill (Five Days, Lord Of The Rings), Steven Mackintosh (What Remains, Inside Men), Saskia Reeves (Wallander, Luther), Liz White (Life On Mars, The Woman In Black), Daniel Rigby (Big School, Eric And Ernie) and Morven Christie (Hunted, 2012).
With an epic sweep, From There To Here charts the tragic and comic misadventures of two families as Manchester is being rebuilt.
Daniel Cotton (Glenister) and his father Samuel (Hill) run a sweet factory and Daniel has the perfect Cheshire family, with his wife Clare (Reeves), son Charlie (Rigby) and daughter Louise (Christie). His rough diamond/street wise brother Robbo (Mackintosh) has a serious rift with his father, and is immersed in the rough urban life of Manchester where he runs a night club.
Daniel, Samuel and Robbo are caught up in the blast alongside hotel cleaner Joanne (White). Their survival of a near death experience provokes changes in their lives that soon spin out of control.
Nice to see Philip reunited with Liz White!!