We have now updated the site to bring you some screen-caps and a video of the interview.
Last night, Philip appeared on Jonathan Ross alongside Marc Warren and Max Beesley to promote the new series of Mad Dogs.
We have now updated the site to bring you some screen-caps and a video of the interview. Enjoy.
Philip and the rest of the cast of Mad Dogs appeared on Sky News Sunrise this morning, in an interview with Anna Jones after the press screening yesterday. We were only informed of this a few minutes before it happened so there wasn't chance to let you guys know. We can, however, bring you a photograph and a transcript of the interview. AJ: Now the first series captivated viewers, earned critical plaudits and a BAFTA nomination. Well now it’s entering its third series and Mad Dogs is back. And they’re a great crowd, the cast of Mad Dogs; I met them yesterday, they’re four great actors, I met them in a fantastic cinema in London, caught up with them yesterday and this is what they said… ***cut to filmed interview*** AJ: So series 3 of Mad Dogs. Philip (who looked quite surprised to be called on first!) what do you think the secret of the longevity of this series is; what’s the appeal? PG: Well… storytelling really; good writing, good acting. (With a cheeky smile) Can’t vouch for the others but… AJ: You were friends already; you worked together in different combinations. Do you think that’s helped being convincing characters; that it comes across as more genuine? JS: Well, we’re playing four friends so yeah, it’s definitely helped with the chemistry; you sort of get a lot for nothing from the off really if you know each other. I think it helps; there’s a lot that we don’t have to act. Erm, we’re playing four not particularly nice characters, so y’know that’s the only difference. AJ: Well it’s interesting you should say that because my next question was going to be, 'do you identify with the characters?' Max? You are quite flawed characters? Do you find sympathies with them? JS: Very flawed yes. MB: Yeah we are flawed. I think out of the four, I think Woody’s characters the most… the nicest wouldn’t you say? (Everyone agrees) We started from a level of respect for each other and a little bit of love and by the end of this journey that we’ve all been on we’re… PG: We’re all divorced. MB: We really have become very, very, very close which is a rarity in the business which is great. AJ: Is it because it’s quite an intense experience, the filming experience, working altogether? MB: I think it’s more eating together. PG: It’s actually very enjoyable. I think we’re all of an age, some older than others MB: I’m the youngest. PG: That y’know we’ve been through all the party animal stuff so it’s actually rather nice to… MB: (laughing and looking at the others) You speak for yourself, kid PG: (joins in with laughter) to just go out and have a nice meal. MW: When this all started that was one of the main premises, what it’s like being a man turning forty, y’know? And we’re all… well three of us are in our forties PG: (laughs) MW: One of us has progressed. But yeah, so that was the premise of the whole thing really and just the choices you make. AJ: And didn’t the original ide come from something you came up with yourself? MW: I had a meeting and I went in and I wrote a piece about four guys in a band and that kind of got shot out of the water really (everyone laughs) but the only two things I mentioned in it was that they were all turning 40, it’s like at the crossroads, which road do you take if you’re making choices and I also mentioned Majorca as I’d holidayed in Majorca and I really liked Majorca and I just thought it would be nice to film there and that was basically the only things they kept; the four of us and the Majorca idea. AJ: What can we expect, John, from the next series, because you ended series 2 in a bit of a pickle? JS: Yes. The first episode of series 3 goes in a completely different direction. It sort of knocks the first two series’ out of the water really. We end up in Cape Town and that’s what happened, we went from Majorca to Cape Town PG: As you do JS: (nods) As you do. Yes I think the end of series 2 we’d arrived in Morocco and… MW: Yeah, we were in Ibiza weren’t we? MB: Two is more of a road movie. One was quite concentrated I think that’s why it worked. It was quite smothering in a way, all the drama focused on the four of us with of course, Ben Chaplin, who was excellent in it. Then two becomes more of a road movie and then three I think we’ve got back to that again, the nucleus of the four chaps and their dilemmas. And it’s very exciting. (Note: At this point, Phil is clearly distracted by something off camera… he’s looking away and looks quite pensive.) AJ: And give me an idea of the filming, do you all live in the same house, cook for each other and go out together? JS: No, we’d drive each other mad if we did that. MW: We have different apartments. JS: We live next door to each other. MW: Max cooks for us. Max is the cook. (Note: Phil seems to remember where he is and what he’s meant to be doing and refocuses his attention on the interview) MB: I like cooking for the boys. It’s a great expression of love without going too far obviously (sniggers from the others). MW: Without being weird. MB: No we stayed in a beautiful Marina opposite the ‘One and Only’ and we’d very often… That’s the great thing and a reflection of how close we all were… on our days off where, normally on a job you’d just want to have your own inner sanctum and read and get away from everybody, we’d miss each other . Phil and I one day decided we were going to go to a winery, and it was probably one of the best days. MW: You sort of fell in love really, didn’t you? MB: We kind of fell in love at that point yeah and we’ve been together ever since. (Phil reaches over and takes Max’s hand) JS: That was day one wasn’t it really? MB: (holding Phil’s hand) Yeah, day one. AJ: On that very beautiful note, we will leave it there but thank you all very much. PG, JS, MW, MB: (Phil and Max still holding hands) Thank you. ***back to studio*** AJ: They were great. You don’t really think of Mad Dogs as being a romantic. Other presenter: Not at all, not at all but when you’ve got a cast like that you can turn it into absolutely anything. I'm quite looking forward to this. AJ: Yeah that’s right; they’re all class acts aren’t they? Fantastic stuff. EDIT (18th May 2013, 14:15) We can now bring you a video of the interview (copyright belongs to Sky News): Mad Dogs Press Screening17/5/2013 Today saw the first screening of the first episode of Mad Dogs series 3. The screening was held at The Electric Cinema on Portabello Road, London and also included a Q&A with the stars. From the comments on Twitter, the episode had a fantastic reception. @Sky1insder was kind enough to tweet some highlights from the Q&A and here they are. Speaking about the characters, John Simm and Philip Glenister shared these thoughts. 'They're friends. They need each other and love each other more than they realise' - John Simm 'Quinn is the most removed in many respects. If anyone's going to start afresh he's the best equipped' Phil Glenister Max Beesley commented on the job and how close the actors are in real life. 'We've been so fortunate with this job. There wasn't a day that we didn't pinch ourselves.We're incredibly close friends (in real life). We speak and email each other at least once a week - Max Beesley Apparently, Max then went on to regale the audience with tales of his 'bromance' with Philip Glenister, but no specific details were given. The four of them also spoke about filming in Cape Town: 'Cape Town is such a beautiful city. It was nice to show it off. I fell in love with South Africa' - Phil Glenister And Marc Warren commented on the South African heat: 'I went running for an hour with my top off. I wouldn't do that again' There was also a little teaser for the fourth and final series... 'The fourth series picks where the third leaves off. It spirals out of control' - Cris Cole To coincide with this event, Sky have also released many more S3 photos and a new clip, this time from episode 3 which you can view below. The first episode of the new series is scheduled to air on Tuesday 4th June at 9pm on Sky1 and Sky Go subscribers can get the episode early (from 29th May). EDIT (18th May 2013)
We now have an audio recording of the Q&A (Warning: This interview contains spoilers) ![]() Philip will once again be taking part a celebrity golf tournament to benefit Shooting Star CHASE. This year, Shooting Star CHASE has been selected as the official charity for the European PGA Tour. Before the start of the 2013 BMW PGA Championship event, a host of stars including Philip (a patron of Shooting Star CHASE) will be lining up alongside the professionals for the annual Pro-AM competition. All the players will be challenged to hit the green on the 14th hole for the chance to win a prize, in return for a donation to Shooting Star CHASE. The Pro-Am tournament will take place at Wentworth Golf Club, Surrey on Wednesday 22nd May. The event is open to members of the public and tickets are available from the European Tour website and are priced at £13. There is also the option to pay on the gate, but the price increases slightly to £15. Sky have today released the programme information for the first episode of Mad Dogs series 3, along with the above promo image. We will put the information under a spoiler button - so if you don't want to know, don't click. Sky 1 HD is reunited with Max Beesley, Philip Glenister, John Simm and Marc Warren for a third series of its BAFTA®-nominated original drama. It’s rare for a holiday to outstay its welcome but, for Woody (Beesley), Quinn (Glenister), Baxter (Simm) and Rick (Warren), this one definitely has. No surprise given ‘highlights’ so far have involved pint-sized assassins, drug cartels and ex-pat gangsters. Quality R&R isn’t on the menu this time around either, as creator and writer Cris Cole and executive producers Andy Harries and Suzanne Mackie prepare a fresh tangle of twists to trip up the boys. The foursome’s run of bad luck culminated in the series two finale with the law catching up with them in Morocco, and they’re not in a great place in this comeback episode. Enduring various forms of interrogation in what appears to be a dilapidated prison in the middle of the desert, Woody, Quinn, Baxter and Rick’s knack for trouble is only set to continue. A new face is also thrown into the mix in the form of feisty fellow prisoner Mercedes, played by Jaime Winstone (Donkey Punch) sporting a mean buzz cut. The first episode of the new series is scheduled to air on Tuesday 4th June at 9pm on Sky1 and Sky Go subscribers can get the episode early (from 29th May).
Click here to view series 3 trailers and video clips. Review: Minister of Chance Episode 514/5/2013 ![]() Here at PhilipGlenisterFans, we have today been lucky enough to receive an advanced copy of episode 5 of the 'Minister of Chance', entitled, ‘In a Bark on the River Hex’. The story begins shortly after the reveal at the end of episode 4 and sees the main characters prepare for battle. Philip certainly gives his all to his character of ‘The Summer King’ and his enthusiasm for the project shines through in his all too brief appearance, as well as his gruff northern accent (Not quite Gene Hunt, but not far off!). He and Julian Wadham play off each other brilliantly in their scene, no doubt building on the working relationship they formed when starring opposite one another in 'This House'. You can really feel the characters’ emotion seeping out of your speakers/headphones (depending on how you choose to listen). And, although we may be slightly biased, we think that Philip steals the show! The episode itself builds to a nail-biting conclusion as to who and what the character of the Minister might be, (which we shan’t give away), but is still leaves us with a few questions which, as this is the final episode, sadly may not actually be answered. But there is some hope for the future as creator Dan Freeman recently hinted at a movie in an interview with Starburst Magazine. Whether they’ll be able to keep the cast… who knows? What is remarkable about this project is the fact that it is completely funded by public money. Those responsible have done a fantastic job in creating and telling this story AND making it free to download. The calibre of actors and actresses that have joined this project is testament to the hard work and professionalism of the production team. To you we say ‘well done’. It’s certainly one of the best audio dramas we’ve listened to in recent times. Watch this space (and the Minster of Chance facebook and twitter accounts) for news of when the episode will be on general release and for something equally exciting from the Minister of Chance team. The first trailer for Episode 5 of sonic film, 'Minister of Chance' has been released today. It contains a small voice clip of Philip as The Summer King at 0.21. Episode 5 will be available to download soon; we will let you know as soon as we have a release date.
Thanks to Lyn for the heads-up. |
Welcome to PhilipGlenisterFans, the original and largest online resource dedicated to British actor Philip Glenister best known for his role as DCI Gene Hunt in the BBC dramas Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.
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