There was much more Rev in episode 6 too. Check out the screencaps from this weeks ep below.
Outcast 2x06 Screencaps9/5/2017 More emotional trauma for the Rev this week as he, Megan, Amber and Allison deal with the events of lthe previous episode. But not everything isnquite what it seems... Outcast just gets better (and darker) every week. There was much more Rev in episode 6 too. Check out the screencaps from this weeks ep below. Full Gallery: Outcast 2x06 screencaps
Outcast 2x05 Screencaps2/5/2017 Last night's episode was another amazing journey, and after a pretty dramatic conclusion we're left hanging on a cliff-hanger for another week. We'll say no more for fear of spoilers, but we'd definitely recommend watching it as soon as possible. Not as many screencaps this week as Philip was only in a handful of scenes. Only 64. Full gallery: Outcast 2x05 Screencaps
Outcast 2x04 Screencaps27/4/2017 Goodness! Episode 2x04 wasn't half an emotional episode for the Rev! We won't say any more here for fear of spoiling those who have yet to catch up, but do be aware there may be spoilers in the screencap gallery. Due to the Rev-heaviness, there are over 160 caps to cast your eyes over this week - enjoy! Full Gallery: Outcast 2x04 Screencaps
Outcast 2x03 Screencaps18/4/2017 We have added over 100 screencaps of the third episode of Outcast's second series to our gallery. This episode contains the lake scene that Philip had been teasing us about during his promotional interviews.
The episode was quite dark, both in content and in regards to the lighting so getting good, clear caps was a little difficult but we managed. Philip on Sunday Brunch8/4/2017 We have added screencaps and video from Philip's appearance on Sunday Brunch last week (2nd April). Philip was on the show for the full three hours, tasting different foods and cocktails and contributing to various discussion, however, due to the size restrictions we have had to limit the video to just his individual cooking segment and interview. If you want to watch the whole show it is still available on All4. Full Gallery: Sunday Brunch Screencaps
It's been a few days but we can finally bring you screencaps and video of Philip on The Nightly Show. Philip was on the show on Tuesday (4th April) with guest host Bradley Walsh. He talked about the second series of Outcast and they showed an exclusive clip from the upcoming second episode. There were also humourous antics in the form of two min-games - 'Celebrity Circuits' and 'Messing with Millenials'. Screencaps: Outcast 2x014/4/2017 Series 2 of Outcast premiered last night on FoxTV UK and we're so glad it's back. We've missed the dark, spooky atmosphere and, of course, Rev Anderson. The episode picked up right after the series finale of the first season and found Rev Anderson without a house, church or purpose. We have added over 200 screencaps of Philip in the episode to our gallery.
Full gallery: Outcast 2x01 Screencaps |
Welcome to PhilipGlenisterFans, the original and largest online resource dedicated to British actor Philip Glenister best known for his role as DCI Gene Hunt in the BBC dramas Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.
Current ProjectsAfter the Flood (ITV)
Jack Radcliffe Status: Airing 10th January 2024 Carthago
Lord James Davidson Status: Airing in selected countries Just in Case
Mark Status: Completed, showing at various film festivals Philip's CharitiesMomentum
Organized group that supports families and children with cancer being treated at Kingston Hospital Surrey. Shooting Star Chase
Charity caring for families with a child or teenager with life-limiting conditions in London and Surrey. Site InformationPhilipGlenisterFans
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April 2024
PhilipGlenisterFans is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Philip's life or the people around him. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters. |