The Sea (1996)

Set in 1907 in an East Anglian seaside community, The Sea begins with a tempestuous storm. A well known and loved member of the community dies at sea, and the play explores the reactions of the villagers and the attempts by two young lovers to break away from the constraints of the hierarchical, and sometimes insane, society. At the same time, the draper of the city gets mad while struggling with the town's "First Lady" and believing that aliens from another planet have arrived to invade the city, personified through the best friend of the drowned man. Also starring Bertie Carvel, Cheryl Campbell and Anna Maxwell-Martin
First Broadcast: 15th April 2006 (as part of the Royal Court 50 season)
First Broadcast: 15th April 2006 (as part of the Royal Court 50 season)
Philip plays...
Hatch is the mentally disintegrating draper who finds a body washed up on a beach.
Hatch is the mentally disintegrating draper who finds a body washed up on a beach.
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