Last Rights (2005)
Three-part political thriller, Last Rights, explores a world where political apathy has reached a menacing and dangerous level. Set in 2009, this is a warning of what could happen if ordinary people succumbed to apathy and failed to hold their political leaders to account.
A new right wing political party have swept into power but unbeknownst to the general population they have a sinister hidden agenda: to do away with democracy and turn the country into a police state. When his friend Tariq steals the laptop of party official John Speers (Philip Glenister), disillusioned teenager Max (Ashley Walters) finds himself unwittingly dragged into a dangerous world of corruption and political conspiracy. Last Rights exposes a world in which freedom of choice has been significantly undermined and where the governing powers seek to end democracy itself. The information Max is gathering could foil the government's plans. But will he realise its significance in time?
All three episodes were broadcast back-to-back from 9am on 24 March 2005, as part of a strand of programming aired towards the run-up to the 2005 UK General Election
A new right wing political party have swept into power but unbeknownst to the general population they have a sinister hidden agenda: to do away with democracy and turn the country into a police state. When his friend Tariq steals the laptop of party official John Speers (Philip Glenister), disillusioned teenager Max (Ashley Walters) finds himself unwittingly dragged into a dangerous world of corruption and political conspiracy. Last Rights exposes a world in which freedom of choice has been significantly undermined and where the governing powers seek to end democracy itself. The information Max is gathering could foil the government's plans. But will he realise its significance in time?
All three episodes were broadcast back-to-back from 9am on 24 March 2005, as part of a strand of programming aired towards the run-up to the 2005 UK General Election
Philip plays...
John Speers
John Speers is the right-hand man and spin doctor to the new prime minister, Richard Wheeler (Charles Dance).
John Speers
John Speers is the right-hand man and spin doctor to the new prime minister, Richard Wheeler (Charles Dance).
Episode Guide
An episode guide will be available soon
An episode guide will be available soon
Last Rights was filmed on location in and around London. If you have any information on specific locations used in this series then please contact us.
Last Rights was filmed on location in and around London. If you have any information on specific locations used in this series then please contact us.
Thanks to Tina for this information
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